TMI™ Fellowship

About this course
TMI™ Fellowship
Directly following selected courses, delegates have the opportunity to extend their classroom-based learning with a Manufacturing Institute Fellowship. This is a value-added recognition scheme based around successful implementation of a work-based improvement project, which enables delegates to ‘learn by doing’ by proving the use of tools and techniques delivered during the training days.
Who is the Fellowship for?
The Fellowship is available to delegates who have attended our face to face Accelerated Route to Lean Manufacturing (ARTL), Six Sigma Green Belt or Six Sigma Black Belt courses. The Manufacturing Institute Fellowship is awarded subject to full course attendance and successful project completion as per the criteria specified. The Fellowship is available for public Bootcamp courses and in-house training as an optional extra.
Six Sigma Green & Black Belts Certification.
Six Sigma Green Belt and Black Belt delegates are awarded certification subject to Fellowship award criteria.
Learning Outcomes Accelerated Route to Lean Manufacturing Delegates.
The ARTL fellowship is simply all about proving the use of tools in your workplace environment as an extension of the classroom-based learning.
Further Information
Learning Outcomes: Six Sigma Green & Black Belts
Six Sigma Green Belt and Black Belt delegates are awarded certification subject to Fellowship award criteria // Learning Outcomes: Accelerated Route to Lean Manufacturing Delegates. The ARTL fellowship is simply all about proving the use of tools in your workplace environment as an extension of the classroom-based learning.
How does it work?
The Fellowship is a recognition scheme based around successful implementation of a work-based improvement project. The Manufacturing Institute Fellowship enables the continued, practical momentum of the skills developed during the training days. Delegates are able to put learning into action so their individual businesses can see and benefit from the impact of the training and professional growth. The Fellowship is an award of The Manufacturing Institute.
What is the entry-level requirement?
There are no formal qualifications necessary to embark on a Fellowship. Green and Black Belt candidates must attend all face to face course sessions and complete the Fellowship as per the stated criteria to achieve certification.
What does it include?
Includes access to direction and support in our virtual learning environment (VLE) It’s Learning.
In-Company Mentoring
Each delegate is required to identify a person in their company who will act as a mentor for the project. The mentor will be expected to track and support the project as it proceeds and play a key part in the end of project review. The in-company mentor will be required to sign-off the proposal before commencement.
Additional Coaching?
Please note there is no coaching support for the Fellowship provided by TMI unless arranged under separate agreement.
How do I submit my Fellowship project proposal?
Delegates wishing to register for a Fellowship are required to submit a proposal that clearly identifies the area of improvement to be addressed. This must state the improvement targets that have been set and include a summary of the work intended with an indication of the timescales involved.
What is the timescale?
From commencement, the in-company activity will be expected to deliver results within the defined period of 3-months depending on the course.
What happens if I fail to submit within the timescale?
Please note subject to extenuating circumstances, failure to submit within the allocated time frame will not meet the 50% minimum mark, therefore forfeiting a Fellowship award. Extension applications must be made in writing detailing any special circumstances within 3-working days of final submissions. If we do not receive any correspondence within the defined timescales, your application will expire.
How do I log my Fellowship activity?
Fellowship delegates are required to provide supporting evidence for the review process, the work undertaken will need to be documented. For example, charts might be used to show ‘before’ and ‘after’ statistics. Photographic material could be used to good effect for similar purposes. Video clips might be added to the portfolio. To bring this material together each delegate is required to keep a log, which can be up-loaded to the It’s Learning portal. The log should be of value in tracking the project as it proceeds and will form part of the overall assessment for the Fellowship endorsement.
What should my report contain?
The structure of the report should be such that it enables the delegate to develop a logical argument and to marshal ideas clearly by adopting a clear theme or line of argument supported by evidence. The key to a good, clear, presentation is keeping it simple.
Will I need Minitab®
The Manufacturing Institute is an authorised training provider of Minitab® and we use this platform in the delivery of our Six Sigma Green and Black Belt programmes. An extended trial of this platform is available subject to an in-house demonstration by Minitab® at their discretion. Accessibility is also subject to your company’s internal IT policies. Minitab is not required for the ARTL Fellowship.
How do I submit my Fellowship report?
All submissions will be electronic via email or the Its Learning Portal. All submissions will be subjected to plagiarism checks and will be protected under the Manufacturing Institutes confidentiality procedures.
Can the Fellowship be a team effort?
It is possible for a team of people to undertake the Fellowship work in fact, we encourage it. The proposal must set out very clearly making specific reference to the contribution that each team member will make to the work via a team project plan. In addition, each individual must take part in the end of project review, they will be expected to contribute to the final presentation about their role in the work.
Is there a Fellowship presentation?
Yes, the delegate or team may be requested to present a 15-minute narrated (preferably with PowerPoint) presentation to representatives from The Manufacturing Institute and the employing company. The presentation will be assessed as part of the Fellowship.
How is the Fellowship awarded?
At the conclusion of the presentation and discussions, the in-house mentor, a Manufacturing Institute manager and TMI practitioner will meet separately to determine the awarding of the Fellowship. For Team projects awards will be made based on the team performance. An established scoring system is used subject to the specific course criteria. A minimum 50% mark must be obtained to receive a Fellowship award.
What is the certification?
For delegates embarking on a Fellowship, a certificate of completion is awarded subject to total course attendance and final project assessment. These are awards from The Manufacturing Institute.
What is the value of Manufacturing Institute certification?
Our independently accredited certification is recognised and well-respected throughout the manufacturing sector. Certification from the Manufacturing Institute demonstrates a commitment to world-class training and thinking and will help position yourself and your organisation ahead of the competition.